MKD Designs



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Please note that each kilt pin is unique: the shape is dictated by the gemstones used - so the exact shapes may differ slightly from the picture above. Email us if you wish to request a picture of the  pins we currently have in stock.
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Kilt Sprit Pins

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We sell original design, handcrafted, handmade, artisan jewelry

Item Number


Round, tube and flat oval shaped white mother of pearl, silver-plated stardust, round,  open weave tube,  and filigree beads with  swarovski aurora borealis  bicone crystal set on a silver-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE019 and JSNBE119 or earrings EARS042 or EARS051 or bracelet JB019.

Item Number


Blue and yellow jade, turquoise, amazonite, picture jasper, fluorite and lapis lazuli gemstones as well as goldstone and gold-plated filigree metal bead set on a gold-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE020 and JSNBE120 or earrings EARS050 or bracelet JB020.

Item Number 


Barrel turquoise howlite, cream quartz, oval turquoise mother of pearl, oval snow quartz, and turquoise gemstones, silver-plated filigree and open weave beads, and  swarovski aurora borealis  bicone crystal set on a silver-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE021 and JSNBE121 or  earrings EARS055 or  bracelet JB021.

Mother of Pearl with Crystal & Silver Plated Accents Kilt Sprit Pin


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Jade, Turquoise, Amazonite, Picture Jasper, Fluorite & Lapis Lazuli Kilt Sprit Pin



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Turquoise, Howlite, Cream & Snow Quartz, Mother of Pearl  Kilt Sprit Pin




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Item Number



Green agate, heart shaped green fluorite, pink fossil rock, tube rose quartz, green aventurine gemstones, mother of pearl and pink natural rondelle, green diamond shaped cloisonné enamel bead and  swarovski aurora borealis  bicone crystal set on a silver-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE322 and JSNBE122 or earrings EARS075 or EARS076 or bracelet JB022.

Item Number



Red cinnabar, red fossil rock gemstones, red coral slice and tube, gold stardust, filigree and smooth metal beads and  swarovski aurora borealis  bicone crystal set on a gold-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE023 and JSNBE123 or earrings EARS083 or bracelet JB023.

Item Number


Faceted moukaite stone, picture and wood jasper, tigers eye, gold plated rose stardust, yellow fluorite and  swarovski aurora borealis  bicone crystals set on a gold-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE024 and JSNBE124 or earrings EARS059 or  bracelet JB024.

Green Agate, Aventurine, Diamond Cloisonné, Rose Quartz Kilt Sprit Pin



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Cinnabar, Coral & Red Fossil Rock Kilt Sprit Pin



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Moukaite, Picture Jasper, Wood Jasper, Tiger Eye, Fluorite Kilt Sprit Pin



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Item Number


Large round fancy jasper stone punctuating pastel green, yellow, and red elongated mother of pearls with copper, mint green, maroon and gold metallic seed beads set on a gold-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE025 and JSNBE125 or earrings EARS086 or bracelet JB025.

Item Number


Blue coral cylinder, blue aventurine stones, cream quartz, oval blue mother of pearl, silver plated filigree and faceted round beads, and  swarovski aurora borealis  bicone crystal set on a silver-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE026 and JSNBE126 or earrings EARS079 or bracelet JB026.

Item Number


Tigers eye, carved bead made from olive trees in Bethlehem, cream quartz, brown mother of pearl, gold plated filigree and open weave  beads and  swarovski aurora borealis bicone crystal set on a gold-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE027 and JSNBE127 or earrings EARS087 or bracelet JB027.

Fancy Jasper and Mother of Pearl Kilt Sprit Pin



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Blue Coral, Mother of Pearl, Blue Aventurine, Cream Quartz Kilt Sprit Pin 




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Tigers Eye, Cream Quartz, Brown Mother of Pearl, Bethlehem Olive Bead Kilt Sprit Pin 



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Item Number



Pink ice quartz nugget, rose quartz, coin shaped  mother of pearl, freshwater pearl, silver plated filigree and open weave beads and swarovski aurora borealis bicone crystal set on a silver-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE028 and JSNBE128 or earrings EARS077 or EARS078 or bracelet JB028.

Item Number



Black coral, grey ice flake quartz, snowflake obsidian, fossil rock and white coral gemstones, bone, and silver plated filigree round bead set on a silver-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE029 and JSNBE129 or earrings EARS080EARS081 or bracelet JB029.

Item Number



Tiger coral slice, red aventurine, red leopard skin jasper gemstones, decorated natural bead, gold plated filigree bead and  swarovski aurora borealis bicone crystal set on a gold-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE030 and JSNBE130 or earrings EARS085, EARS089 or bracelet JB030.

Pink Ice Quartz, Rose Quartz, Mother of Pearl and Freshwater Pearl Kilt Sprit Pin




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Grey Ice Flake Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian, Coral & Grey Agate Kilt Sprit Pin




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Tiger Coral, Red Aventurine. Red Leopard Skin Jasper Kilt Sprit Pin 




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Item Number


 Yellow turquoise & green serpentine gemstones, black natural bead, rose stardust, gold filigree and weave capsule gold-plated metal bead set on a gold-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry sets JSNBE031 and JSNBE131 or earrings EARS061 or bracelet JB031.

Item Number


Red jade gemstones, black and red striped natural beads set on a gold-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry set JSNBE032  or earrings EARS088 or bracelet  JB032.

Item Number



Red coral, fossil rock, and cherry quartz gemstones, black filigree flower cloisonné enamel and silver plated bead,  swarovski aurora borealis and black celestial crystal set on a silver-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry set JSNBE033  or earrings EARS074 or bracelet  JB033.

Yellow Turquoise, Green Serpentine & Rose Stardust Kilt Sprit Pin



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Red Jade and Striped and Black Naturals Kilt Sprit Pin 




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Red Coral, Fossil Rock, Cherry Quartz & Black Cloisonné Kilt Sprit Pin 



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Item Number


Black agate, black jade, black coral, black striped agate, black onyx, zebra serpentine, jet aurora borealis bicone crystal,  gold plated and black flowered filigree cloisonné enameled beads set on a gold-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry set JSNBE034  or earrings EARS064 or bracelet  JB034.

Item Number


Lapis jade, blue aventurine, blue goldstone, blue quartz, sodalite, African jade, capri blue aurora borealis bicone crystal and blue cloisonné  flowered filigree enameled bead with silver plated & vintage faceted accent set on a silver-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry set JSNBE034  or earrings EARS065 or bracelet  JB035.


Item Number


White howlite, snow quartz, white jade gemstones, swarovski aurora borealis crystals, white cloisonné  flowered filigree enameled bead with silver plated accents set on a silver-plated kilt pin 2" long. Coordinate with jewelry set JSNBE036  or earrings EARS066 or bracelet  JB036.


Black Agate, Onyx, Coral and Cloisonné Kilt Sprit Pin




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Lapis Jade, Blue Aventurine, Blue Cloisonné, & Goldstone Kilt Sprit Pin




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White Howlite, Snow Quartz, White Jade & Cloisonné Kilt Sprit Pin




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